Art Shows Menifee CA
Art Shows Menifee CA
We have many art shows and artists in Menifee,CA. There is the Arts Council of Menifee with many senior artists. They get the opportunities to show off their artwork. There is a event scheduled for Saturday May 18, at the Menifee Countryside Marketplace, the day will be filled with music, dance, art and culture by performers from the Menifee and surrounding areas. The hours are scheduled for 11 AM to 4 PM.
For more information visit ARTCOUNCIL MENIFEE.ORG
At most Assisted Facilities, they invite our seniors to take up hobbies like painting or drawing. This is a great way for seniors to keep busy and find joy in being creative. Being creative can help fight senior depression. It keeps the mind active and exercised. They call it ART THERAPY. It helps seniors to improve their memory.
Some of the activities we can suggest are needle crafts, weaving, knitting, jewelry making. All these activities help exercise the mind and body. We strongly encourage all seniors to make art a part of their lives.